Tributes to former colleagues

Former Commonwealth staff keep in touch with each other through an online Google group, Comassoc. When a former colleague or a friend of the Commonwealth passes away, as inevitably happens with an Association such as ours, they often like to recall the times they spent together.

Shobhna Rattansi has compiled all the tributes from Comassoc, pictures have been added and links have been provided to items on the internet about the people who are no longer with us.

The tributes began in 2014 and are accessible as PDF documents. For each year a list of those included is given.

The tributes are arranged by year, beginning with 2014 when the Comassoc group was set up. The tributes for each year are given in a PDF document which can be downloaded.

Click on the date to download the annual document.


Kaye Whiteman, Claudette Carter, Arvind Barve, Catherine Sebastian


Professor Mike Faber, John McPherson, Tony Donellan, Amita Patel, Des Barry, Professor Ade Adefuye, Mite Judy Kapijimpanga, Dr Rashmikant Ruparalia, Michael Davenport, Dr Lakshman Perera


Mohinder Puri, Elmin Boyce, Professor Bishnodat (Vishnu) Persaud


Carl Dundas, Professor Sir Kenneth Stuart


Derek Ingram, Maryse Roberts, Dr Moses Anafu, Dr Jasbir Singh


Dr Michael Sinclair, Noreen John, Sir Alister McIntyre, Georgina Wilson


Professor David Sagar, Dr Mbololwa Mbikusita-Lewanika, Patsy Robertson, Advocate Karen McKenzie


Professor Thomas Symons, Sanjivi Sundar, Brenda Holland, Joseph Nsambu Musisi, Dr S K Rao, Dr Hilary Perraton, Professor Lalage Bown, Dr Md Tap Bin Sallah, Eileen Murtagh


Dr Rosemarie Rita Endeley, Rosemarie Fernandopulle, Dr Mihaela Smith, Dawn Penso, Semisi Fakahau, Gina Mason, Yusuff Ali, Merrick Needham, Clyde Sanger, Gurudas Bailur


Tony Eggleton, Tunku Abdul Aziz, Sir Peter Marshall, Pauline Thaha, Dr Neville Linton, Dr Ved Goel, Julia Montgomery, John Fowler


Gerald Hensley, Chris Rogers, Vivian Brown, Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin, Peter Dunne, Sir Shridath Ramphal